How to remove Watermark in Wink

How to remove Watermark in Wink

We have followed a path through which you can understand how to remove the watermark step by step. 

What are Watermarks?

Firstly we have to understand what watermarks are and why they are used then we will focus on the removal of them. Watermarks are small logos that are placed in a photo and videos to show who made them. Watermarks on videos may protect the contents from which they are copied.

Some users think that watermarks may be unwanted when they want to do something different such as an illustration or editing a video without any watermark. 

Different methods to remove Watermarkย in wink

Removing the watermark from the videos is a simple and easy process which has a couple of ways of removing it from your reels. Here we have discussed both ways of removing the watermarks in Wink to make the right choice according to your preference. 

Remove Watermark in wink
  • Cropping the video 
  • Using the clone stamp tool 

Method 1: Cropping the video 

Cropping the video is one of the easiest ways of removing the watermark through which you can cut the part of the video where that logo was shown. Here we are discussing the method step by step of how to crop the video from wink.ย You can also compare Wink vs Remini that which tool is best for cropping video.


  • Firstly open the Wink app.
  • Select the video that you want to be edited through importing tools. 
  • Put it in the app editing.


  • The video is cropped using the cropping tool.
  • Afterward, join the editing menu to select the cropping tool.
  • This tool is mostly presented in rectangular symbols and frames.


  • Drag the finger according to the style of the cropping frame that has the watermark on it. 
  • Place the cursor in the middle of the frame and drag the sides and corners by cropping to adjust the size. 
  • Apply the watermark inside of the red frame (cropping area).


  • Preview the cropped video so that the watermark is erased correctly. 
  • Take the original video so you can compare whether the watermark is removed or not in the edited work.


  • In the end, take a glimpse at the edited video. If you are satisfied with the result then you can save the video. 
  • Now you can export the cropped video where you want it on your device storage and your suitable platform. 

Method 2: Using the clone stamp tool 

The clone stamp method removes unwanted objects and marks including watermarks from the images and reels. Here are some steps to using a clone method to remove the watermark in Wink Mod Apk.ย 


  • First, launch the Wink app, select the video, and choose to upload a video with a watermark you need to remove. 


  • The clone stamp tools are found and are selected under the editing menu.
  • Some instruments are mentioned with their symbols which are stamps and brushes. 


  • Adjust the size of the stamp tool before using it so that it fixes the characteristics of the watermarks. 
  • Streaks may be more suitable for the watermarks while lower multipliers can be used to adjust it smoothly. 


  • Place the clone mask brush on the area except the watermark where you are using it as the source of stamping. 
  • Long press on the screen where you want to paint over with the pixel you acquired. 
  • Do the same in the other areas which are near to it. 
  • By affecting the wet paint before the main area is completed you must do it repeatedly until the watermark is removed and no longer visible to the user. 


  • Look at the video to ensure that the watermark is removed from that area of the video 
  • Some factors introduced earlier such as position, contrast, and brightness guarantee complete the concealment of the watermark. 


  • So go on with the editing and when you are satisfied with the results then save the video. 
  • Complete the instructions given to you step by step then save the edited video to your device and send it to others. 

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is legal to erase the watermark from the videos, and meme creations, and for editing purposes, this will not affect your editing. 

Yes, you can remove the watermarks from the videos, and still, the quality of the video is decent after that. The software consists of cropping, blurring, or advanced editing so all of these approaches have to be used to achieve professional results with the final project. 

Using the watermark removers might not appear to be dangerous. The only content you can edit should be that one that granted permission to you and is aware of the laws protecting it. 

Whenever you face any type of trouble removing the watermark you have to search for the tutorial which helps you in removing the watermark. 

Final Words

Final Words

Removing the watermark is a challenging task that helps you to achieve the target of making your editing more professional. You will effectively remove the watermark from the wink and in consequence, you will get great results and quality of the video. The tools are procured from the editing program. 

The first thing that comes to mind is that the watermarks are no longer scary for you when you can follow these steps to achieve this. Therefore an individual can successfully professionally produce videos That is enough. 

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